Raleway // sans-serif

Raleway \ History

The Raleway typeface was created by Matt Mclnerney in 2010 with a single font weight in mind, through its popularity, the font has seen additions including weight and style variations, an example being bold or italics. Raleway was designed specifically for web usage in mind and is widely utilized throughout the web development environment across various design projects. Raleway is a modern font that holds a unique elegance of design when considering the view of the web today.

Matt’s inspiration for the font occurred during a trip to Paris, where a font he liked appeared on a sign, and a photo was taken to inspire the Raleway font. Raleway is amongst the first fonts Matt McInerney developed within his own type design business and his first font that became available for commercial use. One of the interesting aspects of Raleway's history is that it was one of the first fonts that Matt McInerney created when he started his own design business. Raleway was his first font that was available for commercial use.

Though the Raleway font has not been around for various decades, it has developed rapidly in becoming a popular choice when working with web projects that need a professional, modern approach.

Raleway \ Design

Raleway is a modern sans-serif font that is widely utilized in headlines and titles primarily as a display text, the clean appearance allows legible body text. Raleway consists of a sharp, professional feel that compliments modern design very well. Due to its pronounced ligatures and legible appearance, it allows users to feel drawn in by the content while creating consistent contrast with many elements in a web page’s design. Raleway consistently showcases elegance through specific glyphs to grab the attention of the human eye, maintaining flow throughout text.

Key Takeaways \

Raleway \ Font Styles

The Raleway font family consists of many variations including Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Semi-Bold, Extra Bold, and Black. The Font Family includes italics for each weight variation.

Font Variations

Font Weights

Raleway Thin

Raleway ExtraLight

Raleway Light

Raleway Regular

Raleway Medium

Raleway SemiBold

Raleway Bold

Raleway ExtraBold

Raleway Black


Raleway Thin

Raleway ExtraLight

Raleway Light

Raleway Regular

Raleway Medium

Raleway SemiBold

Raleway Bold

Raleway ExtraBold

Raleway Black

Weight Values

Thin 100

ExtraLight 200

Light 300

Regular 400

Medium 500

SemiBold 600

Bold 700

ExtraBold 800

Black 900

Sample Sentences

The ghosts in Pac-Man are named Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde!

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog!

The deep sea is surrounded by adventure and mysterious ways of life.

Alphabetical Letters

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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Raleway \ World Applications

Raleway is an open-source font that can be used for personal and commercial projects, this I feel is a great contributor to the success of Raleway, allowing designers freedom of this beautiful font.

Applications Examples \